Bhutan - Scenery

Everest en Lhotse on the way from Kathmandu to Paro Paro International Airport View over Paro In the mainstreet of Paro Paro Dzong
Men in official dress, Paro Dzong Detail of Paro Dzong Countryside Farmyard and Temple IMG 1622 1200 IMG 1635 1100
IMG 1656 1200 IMG 1657 1200 IMG 1668 1200 IMG 1670 1200 Working the Prayer Wheel
IMG 1684 1200px IMG 1703 1200 IMG 1705 1200 View from Lungzhuzekha Monastery IMG 1760 1200
Landscape with village IMG 2024 1200 IMG 2031 1200 Punakha IMG 1769 1200px
The large suspension bridge near Punakha Traditional Farm and Farmyard IMG 2216 1200 Reparing a Dzong At a local market
At a local market At a local market Traditional Farm and Farmyard IMG 2244 1200px Thimphu mainstreet. Not a single trafficlight in Bhutan, only one Traffic Cop, this one.
The Great Dzong of Thimphu Detail of Thimphu Dzong Detail of Thimphu Dzong Monk at Thimphu Dzong Openingspeech of the King's Birthday Celebration
Dancegroup at the King's Birthday Celebration Dancegroup at the King's Birthday Celebration Dancegroup at the King's Birthday Celebration Schoolkids Schoolkids
Modern archery in traditional setting Traditional archery Prayerflags Prayerflags at Talakha Monastery View over Thimphu valley from Talakha Monastery
In the Teahouse of Talakha Monastery The road into Haa-valley IMG 2505 1200 IMG 2510 1200 IMG 2514 1200
IMG 2526 1200 IMG 2528 1200 IMG 2529 1200 Early morning in Haa-valley Farmpuppy's
Tiger's Nest Monastery 'Paradise' Monastery, on the mountaintop above Tiger's Nest Friendly Monks Time to leave... Boarding at Paro Airport Not e very good view of the Himalaya range on the flight back to Kathmandu