June 8, 2004

The day of the Venustransit was a
glorious day in the Netherlands, warm and cloudless from early morning to well
after the end of the transit. Only around midday, shortly before exit, some thin
clouds passed by. The effect of this can be seen on the first photo of the
exit-series below. Fortunately the clouds moved on and the exit could be
observed without disturbance. Most surprising, and for me the most spectacular phenomenon of the
event, was the visibility of Venus' atmosphere during entry and exit. I was not able to record this phenomenon with the camera, but made an
"artist impression" of it, which you can see above.
Here the effect is enhanced, but it gives a good impression of the wonderful 3-D feeling the view gave.
Only one group of small sunspots were visible, right in the middle of the Sun. At the "bottom" of the Sun, not far from exitpoint, a large flarefield was
situated. The sunspots and the flarefield can be seen on the photos of the
transit-series, they give good hold on the orientation of Sun and Venus. The
flarefield is very well pictured on the last photo of the exit-series. |
Click on the small images to view the full images.

Intes MK67 (150mm f/12 MCT) with
Baader Astro Solar filter (full aperture) and "sunscreen" to keep
eyepiece, camera and head comfortably in the shade.
For photography a simple automatic digital camera (5 Mpix) was used, handheld behind the eyepieces. For pictures of the whole Sun eyepieces of 40mm (45x) and 30mm (60x) were used, for close-ups a 20mm TV plossl (90x).